Corporate Social Responsibility
Here at Principled Offsite Logistics, we recognise our responsibility and obligation to work to reduce the direct impact of our business operations on the environment, both now and in the future.
Society is changing. More and more customers want to work with sustainable companies.
We are committed to operating our business in a way that has a positive impact on the natural environment, and we are continually looking to improve our processes to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our Logistics Department aim for low CO2 emissions and efficient fuel consumption by pre-planning our routes and monitoring our fleet of vehicles with GPS and telematics technology. This enables them to run at optimum efficiency. We also have a growing number of hybrid vehicles which are energy-efficient, produce less emissions, reduce noise pollution as well as being environmentally-friendly.
During the production of our storage boxes, any parts that do not meet our manufacturers high quality standards are granulated back into pellet form to be used in the next cycle.
As they are made of high-tensile plastic, they last substantially longer than cardboard boxes. Our boxes have a lifespan of approximately 20 years, after which they will be sent to be recycled. This means that significantly less amounts of energy are being used in the production and recycling of these boxes.
Studies have been conducted into the use of plastic versus cardboard in the returnable transit case sector. It’s been shown that plastic is by far the greener material when energy usage to manufacture the product is taken into account along with the number of times each type of container can be used before needing to be recycled. When considered over the entire life of the packaging, paper and cardboard embody far more greenhouse gases than their plastic equivalents. In contrast, plastic is light, durable and its manufacture is generally not particularly energy intensive – at least by comparison to paper. In less than a year the plastic box is normally not only more eco-friendly, but more cost effective.

Void Rates Mitigation
Since the introduction of 100% rates charges on empty commercial premises in 2008, ratepayers and their advisors have sought ways to mitigate this often crushing burden of tax liability.

Void Portfolio Management
Principled offer a comprehensive Void Portfolio Management service which can be tailored to each client’s individual requirements.

Document Management Services
Principled Storage is the newest division of the Principled Group and specialises in secure document management services.